Q) Is it true the less i eat, the faster i'll loose weight?

Ans)Maybe… and only up to a certain point. Our goal isn’t to get you to lose weight as quickly as possible. Our goal is to get you to lose body fat (not just weight) in a sustainable, permanent fashion.

Because starving yourself for a month-long “diet” only to return to old habits right after doesn’t help anybody.
So, we do NOT recommend you go on a diet. I actually hate that word. And the word “moist,” but I digress. A diet implies a temporary change to lose weight quickly, until you return to an unhealthy “normal life,” at which point you’ll put all of the weight right back on and have to repeat the cycle. Instead, we are going to make permanent changes to our lifestyle, moving the bar and adjusting what “normal” means to you.

Q) I know how much I am eating, how much should I be eating?

Ans) Depending on your level of activity and body composition, your daily caloric needs will be different for every person… but here’s a broad range for an average human trying to eat an acceptable amount:

These are ROUGH estimates based on basic numbers, though the specific total you need will depend on your height, weight, genetics, and level of activity – you can actually calculate it by plugging in your stats here, and it’ll give you a ROUGH estimate of how many calories you should be consuming on average to maintain your weight. Eat less, lose weight. Eat more, gain weight. This is called your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure).
Now, because this amount might be drastically less than you currently consume, we recommend you slowly decrease the amount of food you eat so your body doesn’t revolt: going from 3500-4000 calories per day down to 1600 is a recipe for disaster!

Q) Why is eating WAYYY too few calories bad??

Ans) Regardless of how much you eat, we don’t recommend that you drop below the bottom end of the spectrum if you want to be healthy and happy. Eating 1200 calories a day (or less), along with running on a treadmill for two hours is unsustainable, unhealthy, and won’t get you the results you’re after in the long term.
When you eat the right kinds of food (explained below!), and the correct amount of it, you’ll give your body the “ok!” to stop hoarding calories and storing energy and start burning it!
Note: This doesn’t mean if you skip a meal here or there your body will kick into starvation mode. In fact, we recommend skipping meals here and there for many people! It’s called intermittent fasting.

Q) What if I’m trying to get bigger?? How can I eat more calories???

Ans) Welcome to my world! If you are skinny and looking to pack on some size and muscle, you need to consume more calories than you are burning, in addition to following a challenging strength-training routine to stimulate muscle growth.
For that reason, the same foods we encourage people to avoid when they are trying to LOSE weight can be great tools to help you GAIN weight.
This means in addition to consuming protein sources to assist in muscle building (meat, fish, eggs, whey protein, etc), look for foods that are high calorie and high carb to get your total caloric/carb intake up:

If you’re not getting bigger, you’re not eating enough. Count calories for a week, add 250 more per day, and check again in two weeks to see how your weight has changed!

Q) After cutting my Calories Intake to half of what I used to eat, I get cranky,hungry and irritated. What should i do now?

Although calorie restriction is a good start for losing weight, we also believe that the quality of the calorie plays a big role too! Your body does not treat every calorie equally: eating a lot of vegetables, healthy fats, and protein will result in a different experience for your body compared to an equal amount of candy, pasta, cookies, and cake.
For that reason, if you’re going to start eating fewer calories, you need to start consuming more filling foods that don’t have a ton of calories.
Foods like chicken, steak, fish, and most protein sources (provided they aren’t breaded and deep fried) can help you feel full without increasing your caloric intake.
The same is true for vegetables: if you can LOAD up a plate with veggies and grilled chicken covered in salsa (or one of our other healthy recipes), I guarantee it’ll be a fraction of the calories compared to a big soda, french fries, a plate of pasta, chips, or candy. And you’ll actually feel satiated after!